Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Skate like a Luchador...

My new hand made mask came in this week.  It fits like a luchaglove. Is there a uniform in the works?!
Thanks for clicking this pic Wrex.
 I’ve started training for a 50 mile skate (date tbd).  I think it will be early fall before I take on a 50 mile ride.  The temperature in the dirty south gets way too hot way too early in the day, and skating 4+ hours straight could become dangerous fast.  I rode 15 miles yesterday, and it seemed pretty easy. I'm interested in hearing your distance training methods (other than just skate skate skate). Let me know if you have some interesting ideas.

My two cents on the older skater debate:

Last week this New York Times article came out (Click hereto read).
In addition, this debate started (click here to read).

Here is my thought on the matter:  When I was 15 years old, nobody but the other skaters around me cared for my skateboarding. 

The people of my community made it illegal for me to skate my local spots.  They cast me as a criminal.  Why the hell would I care 23 years later if anyone thinks it is good, bad, silly, embarrassing etc… if I still skate?  I don’t.  I don’t care at all.  I’ll skate as many years as I want.  All it does is show that you can’t comprehend me.  That is cool, though, ‘cause I got you all figured out.

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