Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Breaking the 4 minute mile

As it turns out, I was sick last week.  I couldn't figure out why I felt bad.  At first, I thought it was my diet.  Then, I thought I was just overtired and dehydrated.  But, then there was a tickle in my throat.  By Friday, I was starting to feel better.  On Saturday, I felt fine other than the cough I'd developed.  Now, I'm just getting over this cough and feeling just fine.

Monday was Memorial Day.  Amateur day  for atheletes on the Greenline.  I braved the out of shape cyclists who don't understand the rules of the road (You see me coming.  I'm staying on my side of the trail yet you won't move over.  What is wrong with you?)

I did a quick 10 mile ride.  In fact, I did the quickest 10 mile ride I've done (under 50 minutes).  I'm taking Mondays as speed work day for a while. My goal?  Do a 10-13 mile ride in a new best time with 1 mile of it under 4 minutes.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Getting back on track

I've been slipping lately. My diet hasn't been what it should be. I've been working hard on several different writing projects (I'm a freelance writer...hit me up if you need something) which has kept me up way too late, and I've had an all around lazy attitude toward distance skating for about three weeks.

So, I went out for a push ride this morning determined to not let myself get out of shape. The goal was ten miles. I accomplished that goal in decent time, but, for the most part, it didn't feel right. I was drained of energy. I kept pushing myself harder and harder, but by the seven mile mark I knew it just wasn't going to be my best ride. I mean, my time wasn't bad, but I never hit that point that it didn't feel like a chore to keep going. The only solution is to get back on track. I have to start going to bed, setting my alarm in the morning, eating right etc. etc. etc.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tribal Forever/Forever Tribal

"Tribal Forever/Forever Tribal," is a saying Edward Pidgeon has about the family of lifer skateboarders.  And the old coot is right.  The misfits that join together to ride wooden boards on wheels is a diverse community full of creative personalities that truly can be described as a tribe.

I skated alone for a long time.  I moved around a lot.  I worked odd hours.  I didn't know about skate spots or places to meet other local skaters.  Then, when I did meet other skaters, I was usually at least fifteen years older than them so it felt odd to really hang out.  In truth, facebook helped me finally find my place into the tribe.

Chris "rufusskates.com" Johnson found me on facebook.  He had built a mini in his backyard, and he invited me over to skate.  From there he got us an invite to skate a backyard bowl I had heard about.  I haven't looked back since.  I've met some of the coolest, most genuine people since then, and it has helped to make my life so much better than when I skated by myself everyday.

Why am I writing about this tonight?  Well, for several reasons.  One is that I had so much fun this morning skating with some of the tribe members.  I woke up late, didn't skate that well, and hurt my knee (again).  It was awesome!  I feel overwhelming grattitude to those people tonight: Mike, Ed, Wrex, Kim, Lindsey, Chris, Kris...everyone!

I also write this because Edward is spearheading the campaign to get a park in Hernando, MS. Now, I'll be honest, I haven't donated yet (I'm waiting for some bonus money to come through).  I will however, give you this link. Click Here  This link will tell you how to donate.  Your donation will help keep the tribe together.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Skate like a Luchador...

My new hand made mask came in this week.  It fits like a luchaglove. Is there a uniform in the works?!
Thanks for clicking this pic Wrex.
 I’ve started training for a 50 mile skate (date tbd).  I think it will be early fall before I take on a 50 mile ride.  The temperature in the dirty south gets way too hot way too early in the day, and skating 4+ hours straight could become dangerous fast.  I rode 15 miles yesterday, and it seemed pretty easy. I'm interested in hearing your distance training methods (other than just skate skate skate). Let me know if you have some interesting ideas.

My two cents on the older skater debate:

Last week this New York Times article came out (Click hereto read).
In addition, this debate started (click here to read).

Here is my thought on the matter:  When I was 15 years old, nobody but the other skaters around me cared for my skateboarding. 

The people of my community made it illegal for me to skate my local spots.  They cast me as a criminal.  Why the hell would I care 23 years later if anyone thinks it is good, bad, silly, embarrassing etc… if I still skate?  I don’t.  I don’t care at all.  I’ll skate as many years as I want.  All it does is show that you can’t comprehend me.  That is cool, though, ‘cause I got you all figured out.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Annihilating this Week

This week has rocked.  I bought a new deck. It is a cheapo 10x33 blank I gave a little Duane Peters spray paint to.  It feels great to be back on a big, wide board.  The extra inch of wheelbase and width is just what I needed (although it needs some serious help in the concave dept). 

I am a sloppy skater.  I like to let the board lap over in a slash grind.  That’s how I skate.  I kept trying to get comfortable on an 8.6 with 15” wheelbase, but I just couldn’t do it.  I’m back at home again.  16-18 inch wheelbases are where I’m comfortable, and I like about 9.5” across the trucks (at least).

Anyway, I’m planning my next distance ride.  Thinking 50 miles is in order.  After all, I need to (at least attempt to) keep up with Darrian and Morgan who head out for the Chief Ladiga Silver Comet Skate Challenge this weekend.  180+ miles of skateboarding over three days.  Kill it, guys!  We’re stoked for you!

So, I met this guy on the Greenline earlier this week.

And then I met this guy at Tobey on Wednesday.

This is Ben.  He lives in my home town alma mater, Russellville, AR and rides for a company I’ve been giving props to for a while, Fickle Skateboards.  He killed it at Tobey today, and then killed it some more at the bowl.  Stoked.  Dude, better message me when he gets back to R-ville safe cause I go into full on dad-mode about stuff like this…

…speaking of dad-mode.  I wrote an essay for Memphis Parent Magazine describing 6 things I learned from skateboarding.  My son and I are getting our pictures taken for the mag at the end of the week.  I’m stoked to have the opportunity to write a piece for my son, especially about skateboarding.

Top it all of with a facebook post from Jeff (Jeff's skate blog is on my luchafriend list on the sidebar) posted some 80's style pro wrestling stuff tonight which got me stoked since my new wrestling mask will be here on Friday.  Skate like a Luchador!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hernando Skates & Kanis Bash

The skaters in and around Hernando, Mississippi want a skatepark.  And I do too.  To have another good park just a short drive away would be awesome.

Here is how you donate.  Click this link:  Donate

Next:  Click the donate button.

However, if you donate, make sure you click the special instructions link and type in “Hernando Skates.”  This is VERY IMPORTANT!  Otherwise, your money isn't going to Hernando Skates.

In other HUGE news…

The Kanis Bash was this weekend.  I was unable to go (work), but Lindsey, the artist behind the luchashirts, went.  We were able to give $90.00 in luchashirt money (the profits), and over $1,400.00 was earned toward new concrete.

And, there was luchaskating!

Kris Gurley's video?  Click here

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 I'm nursing a sore left knee this week as I write a piece on skateboarding for Memphis Parent Mag, but I'm thinking about the great time I had on skatecation.  Here are a few more pics of the fun (all photos by Lindsey Rowland):

Coltrane. Kanis. Killing it.

Life is a highway. Man, that song sucks.

Wrex and Mike ditching.

Mike Lasiter Downhill action.

I don't remember this. Waves to Kim

Chris Jay @ Kanis

Wrex going faster than anyone I've ever seen on a short board

I'm happy to say that we sold some Luchashirts, and the profits are headed to Little Rock on Saturday for the big Kanis Bash.  I'm working too late to make it to the bash (so I'll be at home watching UFC on Fox that night).  But, the person who did the real work behind the shirts will be going and giving the money to the folks at Kanis which is the way it should be.
Front Rock. Kanis. Luchashirt,yo.
Oh, and if I haven't bugged you about my guest blog for the city of Memphis, here ya go:
