Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1/2 M Wk 3: The stoke continues

Ready to roll
I rode my new race board Monday, and had a new personal best time.  I rode 12 miles in 55 minutes and 22 seconds.  I think I could have gone a little faster, but with nobody to push me on at the end (except myself) I let my pace slide a little bit.


Okay, so I thought I'd been training on the actual course for the lst couple weeks, but it turns out...I was wrong!!!  The Greenline has been denied because of cross-streets and the hassle of closing off the course.  So, the race will be somewhere I haven't been training.  What does this mean?

Well, not a lot. It means i need to get out of my rut of skating the same spot everyday and mix it up.  No time like the present.  Tuesday, Shelby Farms.


Tuesday I went to Shelby farms and skated around Patriot Lake.  That place is a beast.  Windy as hell for half of the ride and easy going the other half.  I'm going to have to spend some time out there over the next week and a half.


Then, I went for my morning session at Tobey where I met the coolest dudes from  http://www.fickleboards.com/.   They were, of all things, on their way to Russellville, Arkansas which just happens to be where I went to high school and college.  How crazy is that!?

Check out their website/blog and the boards they press.  They don't make one my size (...yet, I have my fingers crossed), but the wood looks great.  We skated Tobey for a bit then I showed them Al Town.  I gotta skate more Al Town.  Those transitions are so much gnarlier than Tobey.  Long live Al Town!

Tusk Transfer at Al Town

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