Monday, February 27, 2012

1/2 Marathon Training Week 3: The stoke spreads

Sunday morning I woke up to some full stoke.  I had posted on the Silverfish longboarding site forum asking for any training suggestions for the 1/2.  I don't post on Silverfish too often because...well, if you don't use the search function or if your question is deemed stupid you're probably going to get lambasted.  It isn't just Silverfish, so many internet forums can be less than friendly, and they are something I've left behind for the most part.  Anyway, even though I generally refrain, I took my chances.  Luckily, my question got some really cool responses.  In fact, as a result, has front paged my blog.  How cool is that?!  I say that it is very cool.

I'm also going to change my Monday routine into a 40 minute (20 minutes each way) speed workout at a pace faster than my 1/2 marathon pace.

Then, to make the day even cooler, I got the chance to meet (online, if that really counts) James Peters of  Man, the stoke continues.  I spent way too much time on the forum over there.  There is so much to learn!  Plus, I found this page, and it was very cool to see.

So...with the day going so well I thought I'd try and screw up the entire next week.

What is this, you ask?

Riding my hand cut 10 x 40 longboard at Tobey

While skating at Tobey Skatepark on Sunday I landed a little wonky and bent my ankle back 'hot pocket' style.  I was worried (I have a bad right ankle), but after a good soak, all was well.  It did remind me that I have to take it pretty easy while skating tranny for the next few weeks.  I don't want to be injured for the race.

Anyway, here we go with week three!

Thanks for the stoke everyone!

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