This day was a blast despite a few minor setbacks.
1. It suddenly became fall (for real) this weekend producing a rainy pre-opening Friday with temperatures dropping down into the 40's. If you were sittin' you were cold. Get up and skate!
2. We got pulled over and Kris (I wasn't driving) got a speeding ticket right at Tupelo.
Busted!!! |
3. Somehow I got dog crap on my grip tape.
Dog Crap on my beloved Outlaw El Bandito |
4. For some reason the people at the bbq joint we all went to after the opening didn't want me to eat which pissed me off (more than) a little bit. Of course, as soon as I gave up, and walked away they had my food ready. It was good. Worth the wait? If I weren't starving, yeah, it probably would've been.
Set backs aside, what a blast. Little Rock was well represented, and Matt Clark hooked me up with the new issue of their 'zine, Chaos Ninja, which features a little somethin' somethin' I wrote about the bros over at Fickle (who also sponsored the grand opening, thanks Lew).
Chaos Ninja Skate 'Zine |
Some of the highlights of the contest portion was seeing old dog Mike Lasiter grinding 13 pool blocks to win the longest grind contest, all the groms who learn so quickly, Zach Galinas backside tail slide revert in the deep end of the bowl (& his 10 pool block grind), and the trophies that Catfish Chad made with his own two hands. However, I think my stoke of the day was (and I could kick myself for not getting a pic) was when Zach gave the deck he won for best trick to one of the groms who needed one. Good job, Zach. The stoke spreads.
The smile says it all. Mike Lasiter. Long grind king. |
Special thanks to all the sponsors (I know I'm gonna leave somebody out, my apologies): Silly Girl, Fickle, Assault, Dream at En Joy, Tork Trucks, Iron Horse, ATM Click, Old Man Army, Chaos Ninja and anyone else that my tired brain can't think of...
Also: Special Thanks to the people at West Point Parks and Rec, Kim Cook for her tireless efforts, Wrex Cook who donated decks from his own collection, Catfish Chad for making the trophies (why don't I have a picture of those!!!!), and everyone who came out to make the day special.
Pat "The Rake" Rakestraw killing some Tedder's Pool Coping |
thank you for everything, REALLY!! it's awesome to have such a supportive group. love you guys!!