Thursday, September 13, 2012

Outlaw El Bandito

I stopped by my house on the way to pick up the kiddo from his mom's place yesterday and found a box with this in it sitting on my porch.
Outlaw Skateboards El Bandito

Outlaw Skateboards was the first company to show support for a fledgling Luchaskate Magazine.  The first issue wasn't even out yet (it was just my blog) when Outlaws said they were down for the cause.  Now?  Now they've come out with their new deck, El Bandito.  The sizes vary from just over 8 through 8.8 and the larger sizes have a 15 inch wheelbase.

You can check them out at, but be forewarned (yeah, I been listening to Pentagram again tonight) the site will be down for maintenance until October 10th while Mike goes to Europe and prepares to come back and take wage war with corporate skateboarding.

Until then?  You're gonna see a lot of Lucha and El Bandito.

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