Monday, September 24, 2012

Read Issue 2 Here

Here it is folks:

Issue 2 of Luchaskate Magazine.  Read it.  Download it.  Print it.  Embed it on your blog or website.  Email it. Share it and like it on facebook.  Spread the stoke!

Open publication - publishing - More d.i.y.

One correction in this issue: Dustin Dattilio rides for Shipwreck Skates NOT Shipyard Skates. Sorry, bro!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Outlaw El Bandito

I stopped by my house on the way to pick up the kiddo from his mom's place yesterday and found a box with this in it sitting on my porch.
Outlaw Skateboards El Bandito

Outlaw Skateboards was the first company to show support for a fledgling Luchaskate Magazine.  The first issue wasn't even out yet (it was just my blog) when Outlaws said they were down for the cause.  Now?  Now they've come out with their new deck, El Bandito.  The sizes vary from just over 8 through 8.8 and the larger sizes have a 15 inch wheelbase.

You can check them out at, but be forewarned (yeah, I been listening to Pentagram again tonight) the site will be down for maintenance until October 10th while Mike goes to Europe and prepares to come back and take wage war with corporate skateboarding.

Until then?  You're gonna see a lot of Lucha and El Bandito.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Stickers

The new stickers came in yesterday.  I'm stoked on how they turned out.  Nice work by the What Luck Garage in Indiana.  Sticker sales will go toward getting this same design put on a t-shirt.  You can buy single stickers or buy more and save.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dog Tacos: Stoked again

Hitting the local park for a daytime session is usually two things:  1.  Hotter than hell.  2.  Inspirational

One is self explanatory.  This IS Memphis, after all.  The second is also probably, to some degree, self explanatory, but I need to expand on it a little further.

You meet the raddest people during a daytime sesh.  Travelers coming to check out your park.  I met Lew from Fickle this way, and, now, I've met Terry McChesney, lifer skateboarder and author of the book, Dog Tacos.  I saw his Dog Taco shirt, and said, "I've heard of Dog Tacos.  Do you know Alberto?"  By God, we have a friend in common.  Conversation happens.  Stoked!  I got a copy of it from him, and I plan on sitting down to read it tonight.  Look for a review in the next issue of Luchaskate.  Brian Brannon of JFA wrote one of the blurbs so you know this gotta be rad.

Terry with his novel

Thanks for the stuff!

How many books have t-shirts?  Rad.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fickle Mayhem

Got the 8.6 fickle deck with a Mayhem graphic via UPS yesterday.  Extra goodies?  Yeah, Lew hooked me up.  Not only were there a ton of stickers in the box, but Lew sent a frugal lunch and the actual smock/shirt he wore while gluing and shaping my deck.  Now, that is customer service.  Ready to ride the massive concave and steep kicktail on this fickle (but, no, I ain't giving up my Outlaw).
Noodles shrink wrapped in

There is history (and tons of glue) in this shirt

Barney Mayhem