About a year ago, thanks to Greg Simmons...

...DSL started to get organized. The group DSL (Down South Longboarding) was formed on facebook, and we began to have some push rides to bring together the Memphis area longboard community.
As the push rides grew, it was decided that we should finally have a real longboard event. Get sponsors. Get the word out throughout the Southeast, and have a day of longboarding.
The sponsors came along quickly, and we can’t thank them enough.
And the skaters showed up too.
Congrats to the Confederate crew who came in and showed some great skill on our little hill.
Here are the results:

After leaving the slidefest for the day I had the opportunity to hit the bowl and skate a session with Mike and Wrex. If y'all haven't seen Wrex Cook skate, you're missing out. The Toast Skateboards pro lives not too far from here and makes trips up to skate the area all the time. And he's always killing it. The guys even dropped in and took a run on my usual board bowl, a 43 inch longboard (I ride a longboard for all disciplines).
It was a great day that made me a little jealous that I was sitting at the judging table, and didn’t enter. I’ve decided to step away from transitions a little more over the next year and get my board sliding more often. In fact, I’m setting up a deck for freeride/slides next week. So, next year, look out young’uns. This old dude is gonna be sliding.

Special thanks to Lindsey Rowland for taking all the great pics btw!
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