Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Parking Block Diaries: Deloreans, Driveway Destruction And Vicious Acts O...

Digging this blog, click the link and visit The Parking Block Diaries:

The Parking Block Diaries: Deloreans, Driveway Destruction And Vicious Acts O...: Courtesy 1985 was the year Back To The Futur e came out, the year I got my first wide-bodied department store knock-of...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Have you written your story yet?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What a day

I woke up at 6:30.  Got to the park at 7:00.  Wet.  10 towels later...still not a dry spot.  Later, around noon, I bought a squeegee, went back to the skatepark and started to squeegee.  30 minutes later I had a small spot to skate.  4 hours later I ended my session.  I love days like this.

I'm stoked to read your stories!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good stuff

Somehow, it seems odd to me that I have a  friend that rips as hard as Wrex Cook. If I lived on the west coast it wouldn't seem odd, but I'm in good 'ol Memphis TN.   He gave me a copy of this video as a holiday gift, and my son made me rewind it five times.  It includes Tom Knox, Lance Mountain, Salba, Wrex...the list goes on.  Sickness.  Absolute pool skating sickness.
Speaking of sick...I'm feeling sick today.  Head cold.  I blame it on parasites.  Not really...but a couple of the guys working on Parasite, the D.I.Y. in New Orleans were in town, crashed at my place and left a trail of sneezing at this sticker in their wake.  Good times skating with stoked skaters.
Parasite sticker on my cruiser
Last, but not least, here is something I posted on the luchaskate facebook (join us...there is a link at the top of this page):

I just finished reading another skater's story. I'm stoked on reading all of your stories. Why do you love skateboarding? What is the defining skateboard moment? Is it standing in the shallow end of a pool? Is it watching a skater who's style and dedication sparks a stoke within you? Is it a session with your friends? Describe it. Spread the stoke you feel with all other skaters in the world. Common Criminals is going to be about 150 pages in length. Get your submissions in as soon as you can. Email a word doc to I have some "this is how I started skating" stories. They're rad, but be careful about sending any more of those. A few of those is enough. Yours should be more about the thrill of a moment or a defining moment after you first learned to ride so we give a huge variety of stories to the reader. Thank you to everyone! This project is going to be amazing! And yes, I may end up doing a volume 2 if the need arises.

Get your submissions in while it is cold outside!

Oh, one more thing:  A Luchaskate video is happening.  More details to come in the next issue of the mag.  Book first, video second.